All around this solitary garlic plant, Miryam the Mole had had her way, that is, she would tunnel to a spot directly underneath a garlic plant, then head straight upward following the roots of her intended snack. Eating from below, tugging the plant down into the earth, she would dine quite satisfied with her find. How then did this one, healthy, robust garlic plant survive, while all about every other plant had been pulled down?
Numerous places throughout the garden I had encountered Rocks up to the size of a really large grapefruit. Think about this: a garlic plant growing right on top of a Rock would be protected and essentially invisible to the keen senses of the sniffing mole. And, I don't know of a mole, anywhere, that can bore through solid Rock! Is this not according to the Word? "A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand; but it will not come near you. He will set me high upon a Rock. The LORD is my Rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer... (Psalms18:2; 27:5; 91:7) If you are in a garden with a marauding mole, growing on top of a Rock is the place to be!