Sunday, October 7, 2007

In Your Presence, Israel: that's where I belong...

However, the Word comes---in the depths of the night, in the heat of the battle, in the cry of His children---the Answer is always the same, enduring and constant, merciful and fearfully fiery... I AM Israel, and I AM your portion, and I AM your inheritance. That's where I belong...

Monday, August 27, 2007


1. Who Do you say I am? Mark 8:27-30

Only the Spirit of Yahweh will reveal who Yeshua truly is, who Israel truly is. Unless the SPIRIT reveals Israel to the people, all is in vain. Yahweh's Spirit must do HIS work.

2. What does Yahweh require of us? Deut. 10:12-21 Micah 6:6-8

There are three requirements in Micah. These three requirements come directly from Yahweh's Torah in Deuteronomy chapter 10.

" He has declared to thee, O man what is good. And what does Yahweh require of you but to do right, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God."

Micah 6:6-8 three requirements
1. to do right
2. to love kindness
3. to walk humbly with God.

Number 1 is to do right ( or righteousness).
Psalm 119:172, states that " all Thy commandments are righteousness". Again in Psalm 119:75 " Thy judgements are right"

Number 2 of Micahs requirements is to love kindness.
According to Strongs, the definition of kindness is piety, reproof ( correction), favor, good deed, mercy, pity.
Piety is defined as reverence of Yahweh, and love of His character. Put into practice piety is the exercise of these affections in obedience to His will and devotion to His service. We are commanded in Michas to love kindness. Love piety , love correction, love His mercy and favor to us.

The third and final declared requirement in Micah is to walk humbly with your God, Yahweh. We'll discuss walking with God and how does on walk with their God further on.

Micah states that " He has declared to thee O man.."

Where did He declare this and to whom? Who is this man that He's making a declaration to?
It was declared and defined in Deuteronomy ch 10.

Deut. 10:12 " And now Israel, what does Yahweh, your God require of you, but to fear Yahweh your God, to walk in all His ways, and to love, Him and serve Yahweh your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and to keep the commandments of Yahweh and His statutes which I command you today for your good?

The man He is speaking to in Micah is the same man in Deuteronomy.
The man here is Israel.

Israel is intructed here in Deuteronomy to :

1. Fear Yahweh your God
2. to walk in His ways and love and serve Him with all your heart and soul
3. to keep the commandments of Yahweh ( His Torah, the instructions he gave for our good, that it might be well with us)

Number 1.We are told to fear Yahweh.
Prov. 1:7 states " the fear of Yahweh is the beginning of knowledge". The proverbs go on in 2 and 3 to define this fear, and describe how it is attained. The sum total of this is the keeping of and heeding to the very words of Yahweh. His Torah, and instruction for our lives. We cannot gain knowledge without the very knowledge of Yahweh. His Torah is the essence of who He is.

Number 2. to walk in His ways and love and serve Him with all your heart and soul.
It is only when the Torah is written upon ones heart, that man can walk in HIS ways with HIM. His ways are ways of pleasantness and all His paths are peace. (see Proverbs 3 it is walking in Torah that brings wisdom and peace to ones soul and a oneness with Yahweh)

Number 3. Keeping the commandments of Yahweh.
Keeping the commandments of Yahweh IS walking humbly with your God! You cannot walk with your God if you are walking contrary to HIS established ways for you.
It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God. Heb 10:31

3. What does Israel mean to you? Joshua 21; Exodus 12:26; Ezek 17:12

What does Israel mean to me ? It's almost inconceivable in my minds eye. The depths of meaning can almost not be described. In one word..

Israel means possession!
Possession of land, Possession of Torah, Possessionof my inheritance, Possession of Yeshua, Possession of Life.
Possession of Yahweh in all His fulness!!!!
Possession of Israel is everything. It's HUGE. It's everything. It's having God as your very own. The Levites/ Priests were to have no possession in the land. The Lord said, " For I am your portion and your inheritance among the children of Israel" Num 18:20. He was giving them Himself. " I'm giving you Me" " My Spirit will dwell inside of you"
Psalm 16:5 "Yahweh is the portion of my inheritance."
With Yahweh you get everything. The will of God. the willof God= His inheritance

Israel means Oneness with Yahweh!!!!!!!!!!

4. What do you see? Amos 8:2; Isaiah 21:6; Ezek. 33:7

Declare what you see!!
As a watchman, what do you see?
A watchman sees the very heart of Yahweh. He sees all that Yahweh sees, and feels what Yahweh feels. A watchman sees Israel's heart. A watchman speaks ( warns, rebukes, declares to man) the very words of Yahweh. ( Mark 6:7-13)

5. What does Yahweh speak concerning Israel? Psalm 50:7

I am God. I am merciful, loving and just. I am in control and will bring to pass the Words of My mouth. I am yours and you are Mine. I am Israel and you are Israel. We are one.

6. Who is Israel? Who is the prevailing or ruling Prince?

Yeshua is Israel ( Hosea 11:1; Matt. 2)
Israel is prevailing and ruling. Who is ruling and reigning with Him?
Isaiah 9:6, says that "the government is on His shoulders". The stones in the garment on the shoulders of the High priest had the names of the 12 tribes inscribed thereon. They are the ones ruling and reigning with Him. They are the "government on His shoulders". They are Israel, the overcomers. The name Israel means " to rule with God". That is the definition of Israel. In Genesis 32:28 Jacob was given a new name, the name Israel, because he prevailed, he was an overcomer. The overcomers in Revelation 2:7-ch. 3 are Israel.
The Overcomers recieve 8 things:
1. eat from the tree of life 2:7 ( torah)
2. Hidden manna to eat 2:17 ( Breadof Life Yeshua) ( Hidden things of the Spirit)
3. a white stone with renewed name on it 2:17 ( white stone is an aquittal, or an admission in) ( Life)
4. Authority over the nations 2:26
5. the morning Star 2:28 ( Yeshua the bright and morning Star (Rev. 22:16)
6. Be dressed in white robes and have your name written in the Book of Life and confessed before the Father.
3:5 ( Matt. 10:32)
7. Become a supporting Post in the Dwelling Place of God 3:12
8. A seat on the throne with Yeshua 3:21 ( Ruling and reigning with Him) ( Isaiah 9:6)

When I am in the Spirit of Yahweh , I am an overcomer. I am one with Yeshua the prevailing and ruling Prince.

I am Yisrael!!!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Speak, Do, Be, Reveal...

Speak of The Israel of God: for this I have been given ears to hear. Reveal The Israel of God: for this I have been given eyes to see. Love The Israel of God: for this is the whole Counsel of the Spirit. Walk in The Israel of God: for this is the whole will and purpose of Life.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Israel: Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How

............This is a monumental task. I can't do it, but YOU can LORD.

"I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me" !

Ok, ok, YOU'RE right. You always have the last word. So I was wrong (as usual). I can do this, because YOU dwell in and strengthen me. After all, this is about Israel, and I AM Israel, so why not.
Ok, so now that we've determined that its YOU doing it through me, go ahead. Tell the people what you want them to hear. I am a ready and willing vessel for YOUR words.

"Shema Yisrael, Hear O Israel"

But wait, YOU can direct Israel to hear YOU, but if they don't know that they are Israel, will they listen?

Until one can take ownership of Israel, the land, the people, the Name, the essence, the character, the actual reality of the who, what, where, when, why and how, than it becomes just wonderful stories and references of a time passed by, a people of long ago, a place of the future, or a Name not claimed.
It almost becomes a reality that isn't. It becomes the attitude of " that was then, but this is now". " That may have been profitable, but it isn't fully relevant for us today". " Times have changed". "People have changed". They even go so far as to say " the word of God has changed".

Your people must know that You started with a people and You will end with that same people. They must know that you haven't changed your mind, and replaced anyone, that Your Word is the Rock that we stand on, You are the same as You were in the beginning.

"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today, and forever" Hebrews 13:8

" For I am Yahweh, I change NOT! " Mal. 3:6

They must know that....

"it is unrighteous men who changed the truth of God into a lie" Rom. 1:25

With all that said where are we going with this topic of Israel? We must begin as a people to ask the Lord about Israel. What does He want us to understand about Israel. What did the Lord Jesus himself say about Israel?

"And He answering ( his disciples) said, " I was not sent except to the lost sheep of the house of Israel". Matt 15:24

Yeshua (Jesus) said that He was only sent to seek out the lost sheep of the house of Israel. They are the ones He came for.
This is a foundational concept in the Bible. One must understand the fullness of this word Israel. The whole bible is about a people called Israel. The bible is called the Book of Life. It is the lambs Book of Life that is spoken of in Revelation ch 21. You are written in the Lambs Book of Life, the Bible. You must know who you are and where are you spoken of in the book. Where are you in the Lambs Book of Life? If someone were to ask you, could you show them the passages that speak of you. Who are you in this book?
The Bible is a book about a people God chose for Himself, a chosen people for God's very own possession.
HE calls them " My people Israel". He said they would be His people forever. Israel has not been replaced with "churchmen". Israel includes churchmen. The covenants that God made with Israel apply to you as a believer in the Messiah ( Jesus). see Ephesians 2:11-13 Hebrews 8:8-9 Jeremiah 31:31-32; Romans 11:17-18; and Ezekiel 47:21-22.
We are not talking about a "spiritual Israel". We are not "spiritual Israel". We are not yet spiritual! We are flesh and blood, we have a soul, and we have a spirit, that has been made alive in Christ Jesus. We are completely Israel, not just spiritual Israel. He told us in Galatians ch. 3:29..

"And if you are in Christ (which we are), then you are Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise"

We became Israel when we accepted Yeshua Ha Mashiach ( Jesus Christ) as our Savior. When we did this we became partakers of the inheritance. That is what an heir is!!! Paul gives us the list of things belonging to Israel. It is the "will" so to speak. Yeshua died and now the inheritance is ours. This is what we gain.

Romans 9:4 lists the things belonging to Israelites.

1. adoption ( John 1;12) " But as many as received Him, to them He gave the authority to become children of
God, to those believing in His Name."
2. glory
3. covenants ( there are 7 covenants, one of which is the New Covenant ( we call it the NewTestament) we will
discuss the covenants at a later date)
4. giving of the Law ( Law is the word Torah and it means the teaching of God)
5. worship
6. promises
7. the fathers ( from which came Messiah) "The hearts of the fathers will be turned to the children and the hearts of the children will be turned to the fathers before the coming of the great and awesome day of Yahweh" Mal 4:5

Look carefully at the list. These are the things that were given to you upon the death of your Savior. Adoption, glory, covenants, the Law, worship, promises, and the fathers.

If we try to spiritualize our way out of being fully Israel. We miss a great portion of the inheritance. We miss the fullness of what it means to be the people of God. We can not pick and choose those things that are in the inheritance. We receive all or we receive none.

We must begin to recognize our place in the family of God. His family is called Israel. His children are called Israel. Israel is monumental. We must begin to climb the mountains of Israel until we reach the top, the very place of His Glory.


Who?.........He is Israel, His people are Israel, I am Israel..
What? ....... A Name, A People, A place, A family...
Where?......A land in the east, a people all around me, a place inside me..
When? ......Yesterday, Today, Forever..
Why?........Because He lives, He never forgets, He promises me...
How?........Ask and you Shall receive, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be open unto you!

Friday, April 6, 2007

Jerusalem Confounds Athens

Yeshua=Life......................John 6:35, 48-50; 11:25 Matt. 19:17 1 John 5:11
Yeshua=Way.....................John 14:6
Yeshua=Truth..................John 14:6
Yeshua=Light....................John 8:12
Yeshua=Word....................Matt. 4:4 John 1:14, 6:63 Rev. 19:13
Yeshua=First & Last.......John 1:1-2 Rev. 1:8 [see also John 10:30, 38; 16:28, 17:21; 1 Cor. 13:10---Yeshua & Father are One]

Torah=Life.........................Proverbs 3:18; 6:23; 10:11 Psalms 1:2-3; 16:11; 36:9
Torah=Way........................Deut. 19:9; 2 Sam. 22:31; Psalms 18:30; 25:4; 119:33-35; Isaiah 30:21, 48:17; Jeremiah 6:16, 7:23, 21:8
Torah=Truth......................Psalms 25:5; 43:3; 119:142, 151 Proverbs 30:5-6
Torah=Light.......................Psalms 27:1; 36:9; 119:105 Proverbs 6:23 Isaiah 2:5, 60:19-20
Torah=Word......................Deut. 4:2, 8:3, 32:4 Psalms 19:7; 119:89, 107, 160 Isaiah 5:24, 40:8, 55:11, 66:2; Ezekiel 33:30-32; Romans 7:12; 2 Timoth 3:15-16; James 1:7, 25
Torah=First & Last..........Isaiah 41:4, 44:6 John 1:1-2 Rev. 1:8

Yeshua=Life=Torah...............Yeshua is the Torah!!!
Yeshua=Way=Torah..............Yeshua is the Torah!!! !
Yeshua=Truth=Torah............Yeshua is the Torah!!!
Yeshua=Light=Torah.............Yeshua is the Torah!!!
Yeshua=Word=Torah............Yeshua is the Torah!!!
Yeshua=First & Last=Torah..Yeshua is the Torah!!!

The Way, The Truth, The Life, The Light, The Word, The First & The Last....
The Torah & Yeshua are One

The Wisdom of Proverbs (part 2 a continued study on Proverbs ch. 1

We began our study into the wisdom of Proverbs with the very words of the wisest man on earth. King Solomon was granted wisdom from God above every other human being on earth, and it was told that there would never be another with such great wisdom. ( 1Kings 3:12) It was the very wisdom of the LORD Himself, that was bestowed upon Solomon.
We left off with Solomon's first proverb in verse 7. He stated that it is the fear of Yahweh that is the beginning of knowledge, and that one is a fool if he despises wisdom, and discipline. This simple fact is stated more than one time in scripture, but in Proverbs ch 2, He gives some clarity as to how we can understand this fear.
We already know that fear is a reverential awe, as explained in our previous session, but how do we attain to this fear.
"My son, if you accept my words, and treasure up my commandments with you, so that you make your ear attend to wisdom, incline your heart to understanding; For if you cry for discernment, lift up your voice for understanding, if you seek her as silver, and search for her as hidden treasures, then you would understand the fear of Yahweh, and find the knowledge of God. For Yahweh gives wisdom; Out of HIS mouth come knowledge and understanding." ( Proverbs 2:1-6)

The commandments of God are wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. He says that if you treasure these commands, your ear will be attending to wisdom, and your heart will be gaining understanding. The "her" mentioned here, is the wisdom of the commandments. (see Prov. 1:20 wisdom is called a "she").

So in order to understand the fear of the LORD we must walk in the commandments of the LORD.

Continuing in chapter 1 v 8 "My son, heed the discipline of your father, And do NOT forsake the Torah of your mother; v9 " For they are a fair wreath on your head, and chains about your neck. "

Solomon says listen to the discipline of your father, and don't forsake what your mother teaches you. He is repeating the very essence of the fifth commandment of God. Honor your father and mother so that your days are prolonged on the earth.
Proverbs 3:1-2 repeats again that the Torah commands lengthen your days on the earth.
"My son, do not forget my Torah, And let your heart watch over my commands; For length of days and long life, and peace they add to you."
The commandments are an adorning for you. v.9

Solomons wisdom is summed up in the obeying of the Torah. This is where his wisdom begins.
In verses 10-19 Solomon goes on to explain the dangers of keeping company with sinners, and says in v 15 very plainly, "My son, do not walk in the way with them, keep your foot from their path"
He concludes this portion by saying that their ways are of those who are greedy for gain, and it is impending death to walk with them. (see v10-19).

In v 20. He says that ' Wisdom calls aloud outside; She raises her voice in the broad places. At the head of the noisy streets she cries out, at the openings of the gates, in the city she speaks her words"
Remember wisdom is called a "she" here, and keep in mind that wisdom comes from the LORD's mouth. The voice of wisdom here is asking why, why won't you turn from your evil ways, how long are you going to continue scoffing at my words? . Wisdom says in v 23 "Turn at my reproof. See I pour out my spirit on you, I make my words known to you."
This is Yeshua ( Jesus) speaking here. He is the Word made flesh. ( John 1:14) He is the One who poured out His Spirit upon us and made His words known to us.
" But the Helper the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in MY Name, He shall teach you all, and remind you of all that I said to you." (John 14:26)
It was said of Jesus in the gospels many times. Where did this man get such wisdom? Yeshua is the very essence of Wisdom. ( Mt 13:54; Mk. 6:2, Lk. 2:52)
Yeshua came to impart His wisdom to us. He came teaching repentance, and came to give us life.

v 24 of Proverbs shows the stubbornness and hard heartedness of the people.
" Because I called and you refused, I have stretched out My hand and no one inclined. And you spurned all my counsel, and would not yield to my reproof"... He states that this will bring calamity on them, and then they'll be in distress, and they'll call out at that point.
But look what He says will be the result.
v 28 " Let them then call on me, but I answer not. Let them seek me, but not find me."

This is a very harsh word. He says they will call, but I won't answer, because they didn't obey my words. My Torah!. This is confirmed in Prov. 28:9
" He who turns his ear away from hearing the Torah, Even his prayer is an abomination."
and again in Prov 15:29
"Yahweh is far from the wrong ones, BUT HE hears the prayers of the Righteous.
(A righteous one walks in the Torah commands.) (Psalm 119:172 "All Your commands are righteous")

v 29 Why will HE not answer?
" Because they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of Yahweh. They did not accept my counsel, and despised all my reproof, therefore let them eat the fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own counsels."

It is because they did not walk in the fear of Yahweh. They did not obey HIS commandments, and choose to turn away from sin. So now they will be filled with their own counsels, which will surely bring evil upon them.
See Jeremiah 6:19
" Hear O earth! See I am bringing evil upon this people, even the fruit of their thoughts, because they have not listened to MY Words, nor MY Torah- and they rejected it. "

Prov. 1: 32-33 " For the turning away of the simple slays them, and the complacency of fools destroys them. BUT whoever listens to me dwells safely, and is at ease from the dread of evil. "
This is the conclusion of chapter 1 of Proverbs, but this is not where it ends.

Solomon sums it all up in the first 6 verses of chapter 2. He has just spoken all his first words of wisdom. He has laid down the foundation, and stated that it begins with obedience to the Torah of the LORD and sums it up by saying that if you will accept these words, and treasure all the commands of Torah, it is only then, that you will gain the fear of Yahweh.

The Fear of Yahweh begins with Obedience to Torah.

The Torah of Yahweh is the Wisdom of Proverbs

For a continued study into the Wisdom of Solomon's Proverbs, and the fear of Yahweh, study Proverbs chapter 2-4

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Shema Yisrael

Hear O Israel !
The cry of the watchman in Ezekiel chapter 3 is this: Hear O Israel what the Lord is speaking to you.

Yahweh said, ""Son of man go to the house of Israel and you shall speak to them MY words....but the house of Israel is going to refuse to listen to you, for they refuse to listen to ME. For all the house of Israel are hard of head and hard of heart.....And He said to me "Son of man receive into your heart all My words that I speak to you, and hear with your ears. And go! Come to the exiles, to the children of your people, and speak to them, 'Thus said the master Yahweh', whether they hear, or whether they refuse."...... Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel. And you shall hear a word from My mouth, and shall warn them from ME.""

"When I say to the wrong, ' you shall certainly die', and you have not warned him, nor spoken to warn the wrong from his wrong way, to save his life, that same wrong man shall die in his sin, and his blood I require at your hand. But if you have warned the wrong and he does not turn from his wrong....he shall die in his sin and you have delivered your soul. And when a righteous one turns from his righteousness and shall do unrighteousness...he shall die. Because you did not warn him, he shall die in his sin, and his righteousness which he has done is not remembered, and his blood I require at your hand. But if you have warned the righteous one that he should not sin, and he does not sin, he shall certainly live, because he has been warned, and you have delivered your soul." ......But when I speak with you I will open your mouth, and you shall say to them, 'Thus said the master Yahweh. He who hears, let him hear. And he who refuses, let him refuse, for they are a rebellious house. " Ezekiel ch. 3

The people of Israel are a rebellious and disobedient people! These are the very words from the mouth of the Lord.
I asked the Lord why. Why are we so rebellious and disobedient?
The Lord's answer was, "There is no Fear"
We do not have the Fear of the Lord.
I recently began a study on Proverbs chapter 1, entitled 'The Wisdom of Proverbs'. In this study I began to look at the fear of the Lord. Proverbs 1:7 says, " The Fear of Yahweh is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline."
Fear is defined as a reverential awe (reverence is a deep respect, affection, or worshipful attitude).
It is those who possess this fear, these are the ones who are obedient to HIM. If we are not obeying the simple instructions of the Torah (which is His loving guidance for our lives), than we do not have the fear of Yahweh.
According to His Word in Proverbs ch 1, if we do not have this fear, than we do not have knowledge, because fear is the beginning of knowledge.

Obedience is defined as attentative hearkening (hearken is the word shema, and means hear and do),obedience is compliance or submission.

Rebellion is : disobedience, and comes from the root word meaning to disobey, to rebel, to provoke.

Disobedience is: to disobey, to neglect to hear, willfully disobeying

The word disobedience and rebellion are the same exact Hebrew word #4784, and it comes from the root marah- which means to make bitter, to rebel, be disobedient, grievously provoke.

Disobedience to Torah is Rebellion, and it is the same sin in the Lord's eyes as witchcraft.
1 Samuel 15:23 " For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as wickedness and idolatry."

Obedience to Torah is not conditional. It is not dependent on our circumstances (ie whether it fits into my schedule or not). Obedience is not based on convenience. ( it's convenient today, so I'll obey, but on the other hand "now is not a good time for this to come up, so I just can't obey today")

In 1 Samuel 15:22 Yahweh states: " To obey is better than sacrifice".
A sacrifice is what caused a person to be in 'right standing' with God. So to obey is better than that?
It is by our obedience that we are declared right in God's eyes. James chapter 2 says " was not Abraham our father declared right by works...." . Faith alone is not enough! Faith without works is dead. Read james 2: 14-26.
In Jeremiah 11: 3-4 " Thus said Yahweh, God of Israel, "cursed is the man who does not obey the words of this covenant..."
We already know this! We understand from reading torah, year, after year, after year. The very last chapters in the torah, in Deuteronomy explicitly explain the blessings of obedience vs. the curses of disobedience. The blessings are life! Choose life, HE says. Disobedience brings a curse upon you!!!!
And Yahweh says that you will be "cut off" from His people, or cut off from Israel.
Cut off- Stongs #3772 to cut off, down or asunder, to destroy, or consume, destroy, fail, feller, be freed, hewn down, or perish.
WE better get this down people! Disobedience is sin! This is a warning.

Numbers 15 clearly states the difference between sinning defiantly (on purpose) vs. sinning by mistake. Read Numbers chapter 15 v 27-31. He talks about the person who sins by mistake and the sacrifice performed to atone for that sin, and then goes on to say, but the person who sins defiantly shall be cut off. He then gives an example of a man who defiantly disobeyed, and was stoned to death in his sin. The very next thing the Lord says to us is interesting. He immediately tells his people to make Tzit Tzit for themselves, as a reminder for themselves, so that they won't forget to obey.
Yahweh goes so far as to help us remember by giving us a visual reminder to look at each day so that we will not foget His words. So that we won't forget to obey!!!!
In this portion, concerning the sacrifice performed, this sacrifice was for unintentional sin, not for intentional sin. There are consequences, even for those sins that are done by mistake, but God is gracious and forgiving, and HE has covered us. He bridges the gap where we fall short. But we should never presume upon the grace of God. In Romans chapter 5 Paul says " Shall we continue in sin to let grace increase?" LET IT NOT BE! "
Just because Yahweh's grace abounds, that is not an excuse to let sin abound more, by remaining in sin and rebellion. Do not presume upon the grace of God, thinking to yourself that God will cover you this time. In Luke ch.12 he says " You fool, your life shall be required of you tonight".
Rebellion provokes Yahweh to wrath. Read Numbers ch 16:20-32
He will not tolerate disobedience and rebellion when we know the truth. In 1 Corinthians 10:1-12 Yahweh tells us that His examples of disobedience and wrath were written down to be a witness for us upon whom the ends of the ages have come, so that we do not make the same mistakes that they did in the wilderness.
Read 1 Cor. 10:1-12 This is our Warning People! God will only put up with our disobedience and rebellion for so long and then the earth will open her mouth and swallow us up.
It's like the game of "Don't Spill the Beans". Little by little the sins pile up, and don't seem to really affect the pile, but then suddenly that last bean, that last sin is added to the bunch, and then swish, all the beans come crashing down. The earth opens her mouth and swallows them up.
This is not a word about a terrible, and frightening God who's going to strike us down. It's a word about a loving and righteous God who loved us to the point of death. One who loves us so much that he gave us His very Life so that we might live, and is now teaching us how to walk by following the instructions that He knows will bless our lives.
In James 1:23-24 He says " And be doers of the Torah and not hearers only deceiving yourselves. Because if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks at his natural face in a mirror, for he looks at himself, and goes away, and immediately forgets what he was like."

We are to Hear and Do. It is the Shema! Shema Yisrael! Hear O People of Israel!
So why do we disobey? Why do we rebel against the very words we know to be life?
What happens is that we get comfortable in the land. Yahweh said we would!!!! ( Deut 30)
We get too comfortable and the cares of the world choke out the truth of His word. Yeshua said it like this,
"The salt loses its saltiness". That means that what was once important to you last year, maybe now it isn't so important. Maybe now we just let things slide a bit more. The salt is slowly becoming tasteless.
In Lev 2:13, we are told to salt all offerings, and again the command is repeated by Jesus in Mark ch 9. Salt all your offerings. In Mt. 5:13 Yeshua said YOU are the salt of the earth. In other words you are what's going to preserve the covenant.
The salt becomes tasteless because we have no Fear. If we do not have the Fear of Yahweh we do not have knowledge. If we only obey Yahweh when it's convenient for us, that is not true obedience. The scripture says that the "Torah is your life and the length of your days" Deut32:47. Is it really your life or is it only a part of your routine. Do you live by it? or only when it fits into your schedule your own way?
The righteous shall live by faith, and faith without HIS works is dead. Faith without works is not real faith. You don't truly believe God and His Word if you do not Live by His Word. Faith is an action word, and it says I believe therefore I will do.
Remember Yeshua said " If you love Me you will keep My commandments". John 14:15. In 1 John he repeats " And this is love, that we walk according to His commandments.
"We are called to exhort, build up, and help each other. We are our brothers keepers. The words says in 1 John 5:16 " If anyone sees his brother sinning a sin not unto death, he shall ask and HE shall give him life."
We are to pray for our brothers just as Moses did and saved many from the wrath of God. ( Not all were saved though, for some it was too late). We are to go to our brother if we see him in sin, (but remember to take the beam out of your own eye first), and try to reconcile him to favor with God. If we just ignore the sin, we become just as guilty as the sinner.

It is the call of the watchman. Ezekiel chapters 3 and 33

Shema Yisrael! Hear O Israel the cry of the watchman. Hear the Words of the Lord!

Pray for the Fear of Yahweh!. For it is the beginning of Knowledge!!!

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Abe, Joe & Mo (Chimps, Champs, or Chumps?):"a Conversation about Religious Evolution"

Abe: What a screech-out they are having up there in Kansas... Not quite a world war, but close! Seems some man, a Charles Darwinnah wrote a book, "The Descent of Man---Origin of the Species." (I wonder is it da-scent, like the smell of...?) You know in a boxing match the referee lifts the glove of one of the boxers and says, "And Da-Winnah is...!" So up in Kansas they are duke-ing it out to see who Da-Winnahs and Da-Losers will be. A lot of religious folks are up in arms because they don't want their pedigree to include us.
Joe: Well, Abe, you have to admit we never built any 110 floor Big Buildings! I hear tell eating at "The Top of the World" was quite the experience... pretty "high on the hog!" How high up would that World Trade Center be Mo?
Mo: Are you saying we are among Da-Losers? OK by me, cousin... that was the Big Building that collapsed! That day, anyway, higher wasn't better. Not so clear now who are Da-Winnahs and who are Da-Losers. Pigeons probably did OK though.
Abe: Seems to me it takes a lot more faith to take an elevator up 110 floors than to leave one's country...
Joe: But if you have a job making bricks, you got to show up on time and do the time...! Slavery looks good if you have never known anything else. If you owe a million on your home, the bank won't settle for peanuts!
Mo: Well, this is how I see it. Everyone, including the religious folks are saying "anything goes." No law, no teaching, no instructions... kind of a do-it-yourself kit of life. Interesting that the ones who say "The Law" has been done away with are now pretty upset with the removal of "The Law" from their public buildings... Abandon one thing and soon aborting or abandoning baby follows... Lots of confusion out there. Good business climate for psychiatrists... lots of de-pression. You guys know about that? Guess it's kind of going lower and lower---descending maybe?
Abe: So can either one of you explain to me what the "nuclear option" is? Some guy think he has the power of God? Must be some guy whose job description is The Termite Terminator!
Maybe that explains why all the Ant-eaters are on strike... something about the termite world being contaminated by artificial pesticides...
Abe: Well, good buddies... I haven't figured this all out yet...
Mo: Abe! Let's Google-it!!! What do you think?
Abe: Da-Winnahs and Da-Losers both got impeccable arguments, Mo. No way of knowing by the talk. Somewhere in all this confusion, our true relatives must be alive. I went and looked up the words descend/descendants---means to go down, down-steps, to go lower and lower... The present world is surely descending, but not from us!!!

Pinyon haBen: Redemption of the First-Born

Every first-born of man among your sons you shall redeem. And when in time to come your son asks you, "What does this mean?" you shall say to him... (Exodus 13:13-15) A man, husband, and father in Israel is to be prepared to answer this question. Even further, the "why?" which lurks just below the surface. So, this is my answer to my son and all Israel. "By strength of hand Yahweh brought me out of Egypt, from the house of bondage. For when Pharaoh stubbornly refused to let go, Yahweh slew all the first-born in the land of Egypt... Therefore I sacrifice to Yahweh all the males that first open the womb; but all the first-born of my sons I redeem." The God of Israel gives a command to the fathers in Israel. I am a father in Israel and I have a first-born son. So, the command as given in Numbers 18:15 is a command for me: "Nevertheless the first-born of man you shall redeem. And their redemption price you shall fix at five shekels of silver, according to the shekel of the sanctuary."

But there is a real problem according to Psalm 49:7---"Truly no man can ransom himself, or give to God the price of his life, for the ransom of his life is costly, and can never suffice..." The mockery directed to Yeshua is appropriate for me: "Show your power... Save yourself. If you cannot save yourself, how can you save another?" So I cannot redeem myself, neither can I redeem the life of another, even one as precious as my first-born and only son. Luke (24:21) poignantly utters the cry of every Father: "But we had hoped that he was the one to redeem Israel." The prophecy of Luke 1:68 seems to be false or delayed---"Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, for he has visited and redeemed his people, and raised up a horn of salvation for us..."

But then Yahweh, Father of Yeshua, arises with a mighty arm and redeems by his power his First-Born!!! So the pattern, the Torah of covenant is revealed. Thus says Yahweh: "You were sold for nothing, and you shall be redeemed without money." (Isaiah 52:3) "You know that you were ransomed from the futile ways inherited from your fathers, not with perishable things such as silver or gold, but with the precious blood of Christ." (1 Peter 1:18) And further "In him we have redemption through his blood... according to the riches of his grace..." (Ephesians 1:7)

Yahweh redeems his First-Born; Yeshua redeems his first-born, the first among many brethren---the sons and daughters of the Kingdom of Israel. "Who gave himself for us to redeem us from all iniquity and to purify [according to Torah] for himself a people of his own..." (Titus 2:14) All this was made known from the beginning: Yahweh's desire to have a people of his own possession, a holy nation set apart unto him, a kingdom of priests... (Deut. 7:6) And the end of the matter is the same plan and purpose (1 Peter 2:5-9, Rev. 5:9-10) Redemption, in every respect, is the sole work of Yahweh and his Messiah: for a people---Israel---a people of his own possession. He is the Aleph and the Tav of Redemption!

A few Hebraic circulars: the question of the Passover Seder ["What does this mean to you?"] and the question of the Redemption of the First-Born are the same. The five silver coins of the Bridal Price/Redemption and the five silver coins of the Redemption of the First-Born are also the same...

This is my answer to the "what does this mean to you?" and the "why do you do this?": I bring five silver coins for my first-born son to be obedient to the Torah command. I may not fully understand the matter, but as my insight about the Sabbath has deepened by being obedient, so I believe I will receive the same gift of understanding in the same way---the way of obedience. I remember Yahweh redeems: in the past, now, and in the future. The redemption of the children of Israel in the past and present, according to covenantal promises, are the earnest credibility of those promises for the future for all Israel. Yeshua, as First-Born Son---Israel---sits at the right hand of his Father, and at the end, all his brethren shall be gathered in his Kingdom. Yeshua first, then us. The coins are tangible signs of my remembering. The coins, like the wine and challah ("do this in remembrance of me...") give material expression to the past and present experience of Yahweh's/Yeshua's redemption. Finally, the coins testify to my hope as a father in Israel to see the completion, the fullness of Yahweh's redemption. It may be that my hope will need be expressed in the same appeal and cry of Yeshua, "Eli, Eli... The coins represent my appeal as a man of Israel.

In this present and deepening darkness, we see through a mirror dimly. Yet, we see in Spirit the covenant, the promises, the gifts, the depths of Yahweh's plan for Israel. In the culmination of Yahweh's redemption of all of the First-Born of Yeshua's Kingdom, then, we shall see face to face, even as Moses. "O give thanks to Yahweh... Let the redeemed of Yahweh say so, whom he has redeemed from trouble and gathered..." (Psalm 107:2) "Come bless Yahweh, all you servants of Yahweh, who stand by night in the house of Yahweh! Lift up your hands to the holy place, and bless Yahweh! May Yahweh bless you from Zion, he who made heaven and earth! (Psalm 134)

Friday, March 30, 2007

Yahweh's Will & Purpose

The God of the Bible---Yahweh by Name--- makes known His will and purpose. Every faith, whether religious or not, gets lived out by its adherents in various statements of will and purpose. These may originate in revelation, science and philosophy or other human endeavor. These become the "pillars", or load-bearers of our life, helping to make some sense of our existence and the purposes for our being.

The Bible is the revelation ascribed to the One God Yahweh: this God does not mince words or equivocate concerning his purpose and will. "Now therefore, if you will obey my voice and keep my covenant, you shall be my own possession among all peoples; for all the earth is mine, and you shall be to me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. These are the words you shall speak to the children of Israel." (Exodus 19:5-6) The plan and purpose of Yahweh are plain and clear: by covenant Yahweh undertakes "the work" of setting free a people. By choosing to hear and obey, this people ratify the covenant which is to be a relationship of Life and Blessing. "What other nation on earth is like thy people Israel, whom God went to redeem to be his people, making himself a name..." (2 Samuel 7:23) "And thou didst make thy people Israel to be thy people forever." (1 Chron. 17:22)

By means of a set of teachings and instructions---the Torah---a loving Father makes provision for this people to realize abundant life, and become a sanctified and holy (that is set-apart) people. Yahweh's will and purpose for his people is "that it might go well with you." (Deut. 6:33) The will and purpose of Yeshua (Jesus) are exactly the same as his Father's: "I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly." (John 10:10) Continuing, "Jesus said to them,
'My food is to do the will of him who sent me, and to accomplish his work.'" (John 4:34) He was truly the living Word: Yeshua lived his life according to the loving instructions of his Father, that is according to Torah. Not altered, not diminished, not added to, not forsaken or set aside. Yeshua came not to establish a new set of instructions (Torah), neither new times or holy days, nor new religion...

So that none might boast: "by my power I have ransomed or delivered or saved my own life..." the God of Israel raises the final and all-sufficient ransom of his people: Yeshua. He is the Messiah/Sacrifice/Servant come to do his Father's will. He completes the work of redeeming "that people." The failure of that covenant people to obey---whether willful or inadvertent---brings forth the final chapter of Yahweh's redemptive plan. Yeshua is the Final Word from Yahweh; as Redeemer/Messiah/Sacrifice he confirms his Father's will and obeys. The will of Yeshua is the will of his Father. "We know that in everything God works for good with those who love him, who are called according to his be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the first-born among many brethren." (Romans 8:28-29) "and Messiah Yeshua, who gave himself for us to redeem us from all iniquity and to purify for himself a people of his own who are zealous for good deeds." (Titus 2:14)

Some imply that Yahweh is either double-minded, or a capricious mind-changing God. Even more deceived and treacherous are those who characterize Yahweh as angry, vengeful, and wrathful while Jesus is loving, merciful, sensitive... "Do not be deceived, my beloved brethren. Every good endowment and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. Of his own will he brought forth by the word of truth..." (James 1:16-18) Yahweh's purpose and will have not changed by as much as a jot or tittle.

"but you shall be called the priests of Yahweh" (Isaiah 61:6) agrees with Exodus; and Peter agrees with these two witnesses: "and like living stones be yourselves built into a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood... But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's own people..." (1 Peter 2:5, 9) And John confirms these three: "To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood and made us a kingdom, priests to his God and Father..."
(Rev. 1:6) "and by thy blood didst ransom men for God from every tribe and tongue and people and nation, and hast made them a kingdom and priests to our God... (Rev. 5:10) The beginning of the story and the end of the story are the same.

Yahweh's plan, will and purpose have remain unchanged: by his mighty arm one people, a people named Israel, are being called, redeemed, restored, set-apart, and sanctified. Grafted-in or native-born branches: makes no difference. All are short, separated and broken off, that is outside Yahweh's will and plan. A Messiah from Yahweh and a Torah from Yahweh---they are synonymous as the Living Word---are birthing together all Israel as a kingdom of royal priests and a holy nation. This Israel is the Israel of Yahweh. This is Yahweh's Word and he will accomplish it; that Word will not return to Yahweh empty or incomplete. (Isaiah 55:11) All the witnesses to Yahweh's plan and purpose agree: He wills to have a people of his own possession. Who is the man who dare contest such a will and presume to overthrow it?

Gathering Manna

" And Yeshua said to them, "I am the Bread of Life. He who comes to ME shall never hunger..." (John 6:35)
"And HE rained down manna on them to eat" ( Psalm 78:24)

Look for the following topics and more in the coming weeks, for greater insight into the Word of the Lord.

1. The Wisdom of Proverbs

2. The Thirsty Soul
3. When the Fathers Speak
4. Pinyon Haben: Redemtion of the First-Born
5. Abe, Jo & Mo ( Chimps, Champs, or Chumps)
6. Shema Yisrael
7. The Wisdom of Proverbs (Part 2)

congregation Beit Ephraim: Looking For a Messianic Fellowship in Maine?

congregation Beit Ephraim: Looking For a Messianic Fellowship in Maine?

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Pillars Of The Faith

In the coming weeks, we will begin studying some foundational concepts of the faith of Israel. These topics are including, but not limited to:

1.Yahweh's Will & Purpose
2. The Teaching of the LORD
3. Yahweh's Sabbath's and Who Were They Given To
4. Who is the Bride of Christ?
5. Who is Israel?
6. What Are The Two Houses of Israel
7. Celebrating the Feasts of The LORD
8. A Kingdom of Priests

The Teaching of the LORD

There are many questions that we as believers need to answer in regards to our understanding of the holy days of the LORD. As believers in Jesus Christ (in Hebrew His name is Yeshua) we are told in the New Testament that "ALL Scripture is breathed by God and profitable for teaching, for correction,for setting straight, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God might be fitted, equipped for every good work". (1 Timothy 3:16-17)
This passage says ALL SCRIPTURE, which includes the "Old Testament", as we have come to call it. Jesus would have called it the Tanach, which is the book containing the Torah ( Law), the major and minor prophets, the books of history, and the writings, which would include the Psalms and Proverbs.

Another point to remember here would be that when Timothy spoke about all scripture being profitable, there was no such thing as a New Testament. It had not yet been penned. He was speaking to believers here about the "Old Testament, or more acurately termed Hebrew Covenant", the only scripture available to all men. Obviously the Law was included in his description, and was deemed very important not to forsake.

Even Jesus Himself told His followers, "Do NOT think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy, but to complete. For truly I say to you, until the heaven and the earth pass away, one jot nor one tittle shall by no means pass from the Law till all be done. " Matt. 5:18 (A jot is the name for the smallest letter in the Hebrew alphabet, and a tittle is also used in the Hebrew alphabet as well.) Jesus goes on to say that if a person breaks even the least of the commandments in the Law, and also teaches men to break them, that this person will be least in the kingdom of heaven, but that whoever does the commandments written in the Law, that person shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
"Whoever, then, breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of the heavens; but whoever does, and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of the heavens". Matt. 5:19
It must be clarified here that the word Law is the Hebrew word TORAH, and the definition of torah is "the teaching and instruction of God"
It becomes very apparent from the words of Jesus, that His people, those who believe in Him, and follow Him, are NOT to forsake the Law. Jesus came to teach a redeemed people how to actually walk correctly, according to the Torah ( Law). Teaching is the very essence of Torah.

There has been great deception in the Body of Christ. The enemy of our souls, has destroyed all that which is good, and we have fallen victim to the wiles of the enemy. The Teaching of the LORD has not been done away with. The LORD GOD told His people that He was going to send someone to them to teach them His ways, and that they were to listen to His words.
"And the LORD said to me, 'What they have spoken is good. I shall raise up for them a PROPHET like you, out of the midst of their brothers. And I shall put my Words in HIS mouth, and HE shall speak to them all that I command Him. And it shall be, the man who does not listen to MY WORDS which HE shall speak in My Name, I require it of him.'" (Deut. 18:18)

Jesus came to teach us the very Words of God. The Words of God are His Torah, His teaching and instruction for all men. The Words of Jesus are excellent Words. They are Words of Life,(Deut. 32:46-47) but we must have an understanding of who we are in Him. We must know that God has chosen us from the foundations of the earth . We must know that we are His people, a people he called to be His very own possession, and promised that we would be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation unto Him. (Exodus 19:5-6, 1 Peter 2:9)
We must know that we are the Israel of God (Gal.6:16; 3:29)

If we fail to see who we are in the Lord, if we are deceived into thinking that the promises were not for us, than we are missing out on the restoration of all things. He has called us for such a time as this, a time to return to His teaching, His Torah.
In the coming weeks we will be studying The Pillars Of The Faith. Look for these upcoming topics and more:
What is the Sabbath, and who was it given to?
What is the Torah?
Who is this People Israel?
What are the Two Houses of Israel?
Why should I, as a believer in Jesus, celebrate the Feasts of the LORD?
Who is the Bride of Christ?

Begin now to prepare your heart to receive the Truth of HIS WORD. Ask the LORD to safeguard your heart from the wiles of the enemy. Jesus came to lead us into ALL Truth, and teach us the TEACHING OF YAHWEH.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The Wisdom of Proverbs

Proverb: A short sentence expressing a well known truth or common fact. A maxim of wisdom. A moral sentence or maxim (principal of truth). The book in scripture containing a great variety of wise maxims, rich in truth and excellent rules for the conduct of all classes of men.

What a definition! In summary, a proverb is a principal of truth written down for the benefit of all men.
The proverbs are Truth!
Solomon asked for, and was granted wisdom from God above all other men.
"So God said to Solomon, 'Because you have asked this...see I shall do according to your words. See I shall give you a wise and understanding heart, so that there was none like you before you, and none like you shall arise after you." 1 Kings 3:11-12

Solomon is known to be one of the foremost authors of the proverbs. He penned the wisdom that was granted to him by God, for the benefit of all men.

Proverbs 2:6 says that "wisdom comes from Yahweh". In Proverbs 4:7 He tells us that the beginning of wisdom is: GET WISDOM!, and with all your getting, get understanding.

So if the beginning of wisdom is to get it, and we know that wisdom only comes from Yahweh, we must begin with the words of King Solomon in the first chapter of the Proverbs. Solomon begins his exortation in verse 1 by stating that the principals of truth that he is about to speak are indeed coming from him. He goes on in verses 2-6 to explain why he is speaking these "truths", and the benefits they will bestow. He states that they are for knowing wisdom, disciplne, and to receive understanding, and also to receive the discipline that wisdom brings, along with attaining righteousness, justice, and straightness. Insight will be given to the simple, and the young will gain knowledge, and discretion. (v. 3-4) He also addresses the wise in verse 5, and states that even he will increase learning, and those who have understanding will receive wise counsel. He concludes in verse 6 with "For understanding a proverb, and a figure, the words of the wise, and their riddles."

Simply put, no-one gets left out of the blessing. Everyone from the simple to the wise will gain more insight, wisdom and understanding by heeding the words of the proverbs.

Verse 7 of Proverbs ch 1 is where the actual words of Solomons wisdom begin. He states his first proverb(principal of truth).
"The fear of Yahweh is the beginning of knowledge; Fools despise wisdom and discipline. " (Prov 1:7)

Fear of Yahweh, a reverential awe( reverence is a deep respect, affection, and worshipful attitude) .

So it is this deep respectful, worshipful affection that we have for Yahweh, this is the beginning of our knowledge. Those who have this "fear" are obedient to the principals of His wisdom, but on the other hand He tells us that one is a fool who despises the wisdom and discipline that He brings.

Let us not be found in the company of the fool.

Look for 'The Wisdom of Solomon part 2' a continued study on Proverbs chapter 1 coming soon

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The Thirsty Soul

The Vision, when calling out to HIM in despair:
A desert land, dried and cracked. Hard, cracked, dusty, dry ground. A land forsaken of water!
Sprinkles of water, teaspoons of water, even small cups of water, pour out on this dry ground periodically.
It is dried up almost immediately. These small amounts will not quench the thirst of this land.

Is this my soul? My walk with YOU?

HE confirms the interpretation of the Vision: Psalm 143:6
"I have spread out my hands to YOU; My soul is like a thirsty land for YOU." Selah

"As a deer longs for the water streams, so my soul longs for YOU, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the Living God." Psalm 42:1-2

"O God, You are my God; I earnestly seek You; My soul has thirsted for YOU; My flesh has longed for you, in a dry and thirsty land without water" Pslam 63:1

This land is in need of water, the LIVING WATERS of YESHUA (Jesus Christ our Lord)
The vision is of us, His people, when we are not in HIS WORD daily. It is not enough to seek Him occasionally. We must immerse ourselves in Him, and seek Him with all our heart. We must be filled with Him or we will become a dry and thirsty ground unable to bear fruit.
It is only Yeshua who can provide this quenching water for our souls.

The woman at the well engaged in a conversation with Yeshua about drinking of the water, and the water that He has to offer. She questions Him about the water that He possesses, and He says to her, " Everyone drinking of this water ( the water at the well) shall thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water I give him, shall certainly never thirst. And the water that I give him shall become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life." The woman said to Him, " Master, give me this water, so that I do not thirst..." John ch. 4

It is Yeshua who is the Living Water. Only HE can quench our thirst and He offers it freely.

"And he who thirsts, come! And he who desires it, take the water of life freely. " Rev. 22:17

It is Yeshua who waters the dry and thirsty land, the dry and thirsty soul. His Words are the waters of life.

Let HIM come down like rain upon the tender grass, like showers, watering the earth. Psalm 72:6
We can see from the above passage that Yeshua is likened to water, and if we allow scripture to interpret scripture, we will see that the grass mentioned here is a reference to people. In Isaiah chapter 40 verses 6-7, he calls the people grass.
" All flesh is grass, and all it's loveliness is like the flower of the field. Grass shall wither, the flower shall fade, when the Spirit of YHWH has blown on it! Truly the people is grass! "

" For as the rains come down, and snow from the heavens, and do not return there, but water the earth, and make it bring forth and bud, and give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater, so is My Word that goes forth from MY mouth- it does not return to ME empty, but shall do what I please, and shall certainly accomplish what I sent it for." Is 55:11-12

In the Vision of the Thirsty Soul, a deep well of water is poured out on this dry, cracked ground and as the water hits the earth, the very place where the water touches begins to immediately flourish into lush green grass with vegetation, and flowers springing up into everlasting life. The green of the grass spreads out all around and fills the earth with life, as the dry ground disappears. The ground is thirsty no more. Halleluyah!

Yeshua is this Living Water. He offers His Water to all those who are thirsty.
" If anyone thirsts let him come to ME, and let him who believes in ME drink. As the scripture said, out of HIS innermost shall flow rivers of Living Water. " John 7:37-38

For further study on this topic, see these additional scripture passages:
Isaiah 44:3
Psalm 92: 12-14
Psalm 72
Isaiah 51:12
Isaiah ch 40
Isaiah 12:1-3
Psalm 143:6

Monday, March 26, 2007

Jacob & Esau

If you fail Jacob, you aid Esau. (Old Yiddish saying)

Friday, March 23, 2007

When the Fathers Speak

Within the heart of a boy, now grown and graying, memory lay dormant for thirty-five years until Providence decreed its ripening. That memory rested under the accumulated experiences of those many years. However, like crocus buds beneath the receding snows of winter, nothing could thwart the appointed time of springing forth. The flowering of that memory forever altered the landscape of his manhood.

To all boys of seven and eight years, the most important business of each summer day in that suburb of Boston was to gather for play, for adventure, for re-modeling of last week's grand fortress hideaway. Bobby Stahler and I were probably the more serious and reflective of that tribe of friends. Among our stamp collections and books we were drawn together, and his Jewish home was different and wonderful in its mysteries. There was always a welcome there, and Bobby always seemed to have the newest and most fascinating toys. Yet, sadly in the midst of that abundance, as all boys seem primed to do, seeds of strife were set and a contentious competition sprouted.

For I was the leading pitcher of the Little League Red Sox, a baseball team of our neighborhood gathered from among that tribe of friends. But, Bobby had not been picked: he had been left behind. The rest of us went on to victory upon victory, and banquets, and newspaper stories, and to---glory of all glories---a radio interview on WBZ in Boston. Bobby was left to a pain and loneliness, an isolation I suspect partially imposed by his parents, nonetheless left unmitigated by me or the rest of our chums on that street---I was simply more concerned about perfecting my curve ball pitch for the up-coming tournament play-offs. I had neither the will nor the desire, nor the discernment to contend with all the demons of history.

There was no way for boys of that age and time to prevent the day of falling out. The demons of that awful day on Parker Street stole upon us with stealth and cunning, twisting the inconsequential trivia of the events of youthful friendship. To this day, the cause is unremembered: perhaps one of us bested the other in trading some stamps, but the argument, accusations, and harsh words fell like hammer blows on our friendship and fueled hot fires of destruction. How could I stand against the mocking words that slammed shut the door of our special world of stamps and faraway places of adventure?

That one stone, in my hand, the hand of a pitcher, could be launched with swift accuracy to close off the mind and the mouth that fashioned those clever words that hurt and drew hot, angry tears. For one moment, as my arm coiled, the heavens caught their breath, and Bobby and I looked into each other's eyes. He knew it was coming: the flash of terror in his eyes and the lurching, stumbling backwards revealed everything.

The course of that one stone was set, fixed, sure, and certain, for unknown to that pitcher lad, it carried the whole weight of history from that day at Shechem to the present (1 Kings 12:1-19).

There was none of the exhilaration and shout of triumph that had accompanied the "thunk" of David's stone on the head of Goliath of the earlier time. Just a sickening horror as my stone lacerated the flesh of Bobby's brow. There was no more talk, only a cry for his Father from a mouth edged with drops of blood; and a fleeing down the street home.

There are times in our lives when the God of our Fathers presses hard upon His land and His peoples. A dread and foreboding mounted upon the soul of that pitcher lad as he made his way up the street to his home, because when the Fathers speak, the earth shakes and trembles. An hour or so later Bobby's Father was speaking to my Father, and I knew there would be a reckoning with the son.

The gentleness of my Father took me by surprise---perhaps he knew the fear I was in---but that gentleness did not hide or compromise the determined purpose of my Father. I really expected to get a thrashing, altogether deserved and greatly feared. Instead of proceeding directly to the punishment, he asked me what had brought about such a falling out. I had no explanation in my tears, and whatever it had been was stupid and senseless in the re-telling. I shall always remember the love and tenderness of my Father as we talked, the much feared wrath tendered by some mysterious wisdom. My Father was angry and disappointed, and I was punished, yet what I most remember with fondness and admiration was my Father's character in those moments: his absolute determination that his will would prevail, seasoned with a real concern for Bobby and myself, and his loving insistence that things were to be set right. I knew in all this that my Father was quite serious.

The following morning was a Saturday. My Father was home for the weekend, and early on he told me he had spoken to Bobby's Father, and that Bobby was going to start up the street in a few moments. "You are to go down the street and meet Bobby," said my Father. "You are to apologize and tell him you are sorry, and you are to ask his forgiveness, and you are to make things right between the two of you. Do you understand?" my Father asked. I nodded and set out down Parker Street.

In a neighborhood such as ours, where the houses are close, and everyone knows everyone, and everyone knows everything about the neighborhood happenings, I knew all the neighborhood was watching as Bobby and I walked up the street toward each other. As I walked down the middle of Parker Street, I knew Mr. MacMillan and Mr. Frost, who tried to look busy with their small patches of grass, were watching and knowing and wondering.

In a little patch of warm sunlight surrounded by the shade trees of Parker Street, Bobby and I met. Words of sorrow and forgiveness were spoken in the shuffling of feet that only lads of that age seem prone to. Our hearts were tender toward one another again. Neither of us, I am sure, realized the special grace it would take to act out the hidden meanings of those fleeting moments in the sun of that morning in the middle of Parker Street.

Not long after, Bobby's family moved, and then my own family moved out of state. Even now years later, I wonder if those words of reconciliation were sufficient for Bobby. I wonder what marvelous and wise words Bobby's Father spoke to him that made it possible for him to walk to that very special place in the sun of that Shabbat morning, because it takes a special grace to receive an apology, forgive, and go on with life.

Now years later I hope that that day signalled the time of the Fathers when Ephraim would no longer be jealous, nor harass (and kill) Judah, and Judah would no longer harass (and kill) Ephraim. (Isaiah 11:13)

Midst the patch of sun on Parker Street, it was that very day for me.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

To All Israel

Awake and Hear what the God of Israel has declared!!!