Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Abe, Joe & Mo (Chimps, Champs, or Chumps?):"a Conversation about Religious Evolution"

Abe: What a screech-out they are having up there in Kansas... Not quite a world war, but close! Seems some man, a Charles Darwinnah wrote a book, "The Descent of Man---Origin of the Species." (I wonder is it da-scent, like the smell of...?) You know in a boxing match the referee lifts the glove of one of the boxers and says, "And Da-Winnah is...!" So up in Kansas they are duke-ing it out to see who Da-Winnahs and Da-Losers will be. A lot of religious folks are up in arms because they don't want their pedigree to include us.
Joe: Well, Abe, you have to admit we never built any 110 floor Big Buildings! I hear tell eating at "The Top of the World" was quite the experience... pretty "high on the hog!" How high up would that World Trade Center be Mo?
Mo: Are you saying we are among Da-Losers? OK by me, cousin... that was the Big Building that collapsed! That day, anyway, higher wasn't better. Not so clear now who are Da-Winnahs and who are Da-Losers. Pigeons probably did OK though.
Abe: Seems to me it takes a lot more faith to take an elevator up 110 floors than to leave one's country...
Joe: But if you have a job making bricks, you got to show up on time and do the time...! Slavery looks good if you have never known anything else. If you owe a million on your home, the bank won't settle for peanuts!
Mo: Well, this is how I see it. Everyone, including the religious folks are saying "anything goes." No law, no teaching, no instructions... kind of a do-it-yourself kit of life. Interesting that the ones who say "The Law" has been done away with are now pretty upset with the removal of "The Law" from their public buildings... Abandon one thing and soon aborting or abandoning baby follows... Lots of confusion out there. Good business climate for psychiatrists... lots of de-pression. You guys know about that? Guess it's kind of going lower and lower---descending maybe?
Abe: So can either one of you explain to me what the "nuclear option" is? Some guy think he has the power of God? Must be some guy whose job description is The Termite Terminator!
Maybe that explains why all the Ant-eaters are on strike... something about the termite world being contaminated by artificial pesticides...
Abe: Well, good buddies... I haven't figured this all out yet...
Mo: Abe! Let's Google-it!!! What do you think?
Abe: Da-Winnahs and Da-Losers both got impeccable arguments, Mo. No way of knowing by the talk. Somewhere in all this confusion, our true relatives must be alive. I went and looked up the words descend/descendants---means to go down, down-steps, to go lower and lower... The present world is surely descending, but not from us!!!

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