............This is a monumental task. I can't do it, but YOU can LORD.
"I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me" !
Ok, ok, YOU'RE right. You always have the last word. So I was wrong (as usual). I can do this, because YOU dwell in and strengthen me. After all, this is about Israel, and I AM Israel, so why not.
Ok, so now that we've determined that its YOU doing it through me, go ahead. Tell the people what you want them to hear. I am a ready and willing vessel for YOUR words.
"Shema Yisrael, Hear O Israel"
But wait, YOU can direct Israel to hear YOU, but if they don't know that they are Israel, will they listen?
Until one can take ownership of Israel, the land, the people, the Name, the essence, the character, the actual reality of the who, what, where, when, why and how, than it becomes just wonderful stories and references of a time passed by, a people of long ago, a place of the future, or a Name not claimed.
It almost becomes a reality that isn't. It becomes the attitude of " that was then, but this is now". " That may have been profitable, but it isn't fully relevant for us today". " Times have changed". "People have changed". They even go so far as to say " the word of God has changed".
Your people must know that You started with a people and You will end with that same people. They must know that you haven't changed your mind, and replaced anyone, that Your Word is the Rock that we stand on, You are the same as You were in the beginning.
"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today, and forever" Hebrews 13:8
" For I am Yahweh, I change NOT! " Mal. 3:6
They must know that....
"it is unrighteous men who changed the truth of God into a lie" Rom. 1:25
With all that said where are we going with this topic of Israel? We must begin as a people to ask the Lord about Israel. What does He want us to understand about Israel. What did the Lord Jesus himself say about Israel?
"And He answering ( his disciples) said, " I was not sent except to the lost sheep of the house of Israel". Matt 15:24
Yeshua (Jesus) said that He was only sent to seek out the lost sheep of the house of Israel. They are the ones He came for.
This is a foundational concept in the Bible. One must understand the fullness of this word Israel. The whole bible is about a people called Israel. The bible is called the Book of Life. It is the lambs Book of Life that is spoken of in Revelation ch 21. You are written in the Lambs Book of Life, the Bible. You must know who you are and where are you spoken of in the book. Where are you in the Lambs Book of Life? If someone were to ask you, could you show them the passages that speak of you. Who are you in this book?
The Bible is a book about a people God chose for Himself, a chosen people for God's very own possession.
HE calls them " My people Israel". He said they would be His people forever. Israel has not been replaced with "churchmen". Israel includes churchmen. The covenants that God made with Israel apply to you as a believer in the Messiah ( Jesus). see Ephesians 2:11-13 Hebrews 8:8-9 Jeremiah 31:31-32; Romans 11:17-18; and Ezekiel 47:21-22.
We are not talking about a "spiritual Israel". We are not "spiritual Israel". We are not yet spiritual! We are flesh and blood, we have a soul, and we have a spirit, that has been made alive in Christ Jesus. We are completely Israel, not just spiritual Israel. He told us in Galatians ch. 3:29..
"And if you are in Christ (which we are), then you are Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise"
We became Israel when we accepted Yeshua Ha Mashiach ( Jesus Christ) as our Savior. When we did this we became partakers of the inheritance. That is what an heir is!!! Paul gives us the list of things belonging to Israel. It is the "will" so to speak. Yeshua died and now the inheritance is ours. This is what we gain.
Romans 9:4 lists the things belonging to Israelites.
1. adoption ( John 1;12) " But as many as received Him, to them He gave the authority to become children of
God, to those believing in His Name."
2. glory
3. covenants ( there are 7 covenants, one of which is the New Covenant ( we call it the NewTestament) we will
discuss the covenants at a later date)
4. giving of the Law ( Law is the word Torah and it means the teaching of God)
5. worship
6. promises
7. the fathers ( from which came Messiah) "The hearts of the fathers will be turned to the children and the hearts of the children will be turned to the fathers before the coming of the great and awesome day of Yahweh" Mal 4:5
Look carefully at the list. These are the things that were given to you upon the death of your Savior. Adoption, glory, covenants, the Law, worship, promises, and the fathers.
If we try to spiritualize our way out of being fully Israel. We miss a great portion of the inheritance. We miss the fullness of what it means to be the people of God. We can not pick and choose those things that are in the inheritance. We receive all or we receive none.
We must begin to recognize our place in the family of God. His family is called Israel. His children are called Israel. Israel is monumental. We must begin to climb the mountains of Israel until we reach the top, the very place of His Glory.
Who?.........He is Israel, His people are Israel, I am Israel..
What? ....... A Name, A People, A place, A family...
Where?......A land in the east, a people all around me, a place inside me..
When? ......Yesterday, Today, Forever..
Why?........Because He lives, He never forgets, He promises me...
How?........Ask and you Shall receive, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be open unto you!
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