Saturday, December 27, 2008

Israel & Mammon

Yahweh said to me: Baruch what do you see?
I see a paper tower, like an inverted pyramid, ascending to heaven, tottering and bulging, dripping glue, held up by one old man. A tower of paper so heavy its fall will crush the world. And Jacob is so small...
Thus says Yahweh, God of Israel---
Unless I build the house, they labor in vain. And for vanity they do labor mightily!
What have you built O mighty man? A house of paper, making millions of souls your slaves to money and debt... And you would claim I built this house? Watch my breath consume it. Watch the wind carry the ash to the far corners of the earth!
You mock my instructions... I mock your creations!
Smoke, mirrors, sleight of hand, magic, and illusion can disguise iniquity for a season from the eye already blinded by greed, and from the eye blinded by fear, and from the heart bound in a lust for power. Watch me dry up your wells of "credit" until you are utterly bankrupt. Who will loan to you even a crust of bread in the Day that I have appointed?
Your covenant with Mammon cannot save you. A prince who cannot deliver. Go on and covenant with all the world's bankers---see if that league will save you! What pride you have, a full-blown confidence in the covenants you make: covenants of politics, covenants of money, covenants with false messiahs, covenants of stubbornness and hardness of heart.
So you have anointed a new President! You elected George Bush, and what did his Presidency amount to? Religious jubilation became a cup of bitter tears! And how will you manage to drink the next cup? What will your political jubilation taste like with the cup I have appointed? The leadership of "success" is no leadership from Me. The leadership of "alliances" is no leadership from Me!
Consider what my dealings with Israel have been---consider long and hard, then repent. I use kingdoms for My purposes. Your mighty men...I oversee and I employ for my purposes... Think not? Watch!
You who call yourself a Christian: do you walk as your Jesus walked?
You who call yourself a Jew: do you walk in the ways of Torah, my teaching and instructions?
You all walk in the ways of your father the devil himself: Satan is the god of your principality of money, and his ways are your ways. Your covenant with money can yield only death and destruction.
So come let us see if your riches will profit in the Day I have appointed---a day of burning, a day of thirst, a day of fainting, a day of dark stumbling! Show me your derivatives; show me your best financial stuff! When I plow, it is well not to be standing in the middle of the field!
Your fatness is no fatness from me: I appoint it for the day of slaughter. Your pride is no glory from me: I appoint it for the day of sucking-up dust.
Heap it all up with the cleverest bankers---I will have it all in the end. Who among you has the cattle on a thousand hills?
Leave off this iniquity of gathering interest on money, interest on houses, interest on lands, interest on all things...
Where is the man of my Wisdom and my Vision? Where is my son of Israel? Arise beloved Joseph from your sleep---show these puny pharaohs my Spirit, my Wisdom, my Ways... Show forth my economy and my provision.
And return to me, the God of Israel. And see if I will open my storehouses... In returning to me, in resting in me, and in silence, you will be saved. A remnant.

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