Saturday, January 10, 2009

More Mole: Miryam

"What have you been seeing of the Mole, Baruch?"
"Not much happening---a few more small garlic plants have been pulled under. I'm not quite sure what I am to be doing, leave it be or drive it out of the garlic patch. Doesn't look like it is going to volunteer to leave the dinner table. It may be blind, but it has a keen sense of "food." Really, LORD, who is going to leave such a good paying job? This mole, is it really just about "money-making" and interest?"
"No, Baruch. There is much more to this little critter. This mole is a people, my people---that is, all Israel---and they have become as moles burrowed into the world, holed-up with their treasures, "the garlic." They really are "dug in." I have chosen, loved, and preserved them, but they really "dig" their own ways, habits, desires, needs... The comfortable and familiar, the predictable and reliable are what they seek or smell out. These they connect with, and not with me. They have taken their "Precious Idols" into their life. They have become one with the Money Mole. They are moles.
So LORD, now I understand why you didn't want me to kill or harm the mole. But how to get it (or them) out of that maze of tunnels? You said no to the trap. The water didn't work. The urine and mild bleach solution seems to be working as a corral, at the least the running to and fro in the tunnels seems to have ceased... But it still, obviously, isn't sensing anything other than garlic---"food." Maybe some fear and a little panic as well..."
"This is how it is going to be. They, and this one little mole, will be unable to turn a "blind eye" to what I am bringing. Dangers on the right hand, perils on the left. The unbearable, difficult, painful, and "odious" will enter their tunnels. I will make them senseless even to their wealth, abundance, and riches. They will cease being fixed on "the garlic." Plagues, famine, war, persecution... will be very real to these mole noses. They will gnash those sharp teeth to no avail. Wickedness and unrighteousness abounding. Now, Baruch, do you see a bit more of what I am doing?"
"So, the urine-bleach solution is the stink of the world!"
"Exactly. And the rain showers I brought today will carry their "stinky" ways from the surface of the soil deep into their mole tunnels and hiding places. Slowly, but certainly, "my waters" will do unto them as they have done unto my creation and unto Jacob. Permeate, heavenly waters will carry the overwhelming and overpowering "odors" through every nook and cranny of the soil, the Adam-ah. Their earthy, fleshly senses, even blind eyes, will not be able to ignore the "in your face" reality. It is not good to pee on my ways. I will pee on your ways O man! Those who stubbornly refuse, who stay, they will perish in their burrows eating their garlic, thinking they are "safe," confident they can survive. Dig deeper! Create multiple "exit" strategies! The curtain of stink will come down to the deepest recesses. They will not "see" or "smell" or discern the veil of death. They truly are senseless."
"So what do you see today, Baruch?"
"O LORD, this stubborn mole, as the "fumes" have penetrated deep, it has come up from the silent deeps to sub-tunnel the lesser depths. It won't leave the garlic... still feeding, burrowing here, turning there, even while the tunnels are filling with the stinky fumes. This mole must be a Miryam."
"So call her Miryam! I am at the doors of her burrow "knocking." Who will answer? She is wedded to her idols, and those idols are too big to be dragged through the tunnels. The treasures of my people are blocking the exits. Warn them Baruch, sound the alarm. Perhaps, some will hear, some will "see," some will smell..."
"I am arising, my strong arm bared and active. I am driving my people out of
the stink of their world. I am calling them, I am leading them forth to the Light of day and Life, "if my people called by my Name... So, some will come forth, though with tears and mourning. I am ready to console, I will carry, I will accompany them with steadfast love and mercy. My Word will light their path, and that way will be a Holy Way. Even so, even now, Baruch, I do this. So, Baruch, tend to my "moley" people!"

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