Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Ephraim's Aliyah Has Begun...!

Ephraim's Aliyah has begun...!
Ephraim's aliyah is a journey that begins in the heart.  Ephraim, scattered throughout all nations, recalls and remembers all the deeds of his God.  The blessings and curses visited upon him stir in his heart, and he yearns.
He yearns for the fulfillment of a promise spoken so long ago by a loving Father to his wayward son.  "If you turn back to me my son, with all your heart and all your soul, then I, Yahweh your God, will restore your fortunes and have compassion on you and I will gather you again from all the peoples where I have scattered you...from there I will come and fetch you and bring you into the Land which your fathers possessed, so that you also my dear Ephraim may possess it too.
When Ephraim's heart is moved to turn in this direction, it is at this crossroad, this waymark on his journey, that...Ephraim's Aliyah has begun!

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